Resultados de la búsqueda

162301.Page 76 A-Top: The Menorah Society, a Jewish religious group founded in 1923.

162302.Page 52: Delta Omega Sorority

162303.Page 100 A-Top: Students in a Sayles Hall dorm room.

162304.Page 148: 1971 Telethon participants.

162305.Page 181 B-Bottom: Kris Kristofferson and Jane Fonda in the Campus Center's Assembly Hall, which was converted for the filming of the movie Rollover.

162306.Page 149 B-Bottom: Students outdoors with a keg.

162307.Page 137 A-Top: Clifton C. Thorne, Vice President for Student Affairs.

162308.Page 202: The Authors and Editors Recognition Program.

162309.Page 116 A-Left: Edith O. Wallace, '17 and first chairperson of the Division of Humanities.