Resultados de la búsqueda

162361.Page 174 A-Left: Michael Lampert, '73, became a prominent litigator in New York and New Jersey.

162362.Page 122 A-Top: Quarter Century Club members Henrietta Brett, '15, Jacob Epstein, '15 and Florence Linindoll Hilton, '31 on Alumni Day.

162363.Page 90: Kappa Beta reunion dinner to commemorate the final State College servicemen having been discharged from war service.

162364.Page 50: Professor Wetmore's Natural Sciences Laboratory in the Willett Street Building

162365.Page 143: U.N. Secretary General U Thant visited the campus in 1966 as part of a University Seminar Series on Peaceful Change.

162367.Page 71 B-Bottom: Class of 1920 and 1922 at a Halloween Party.

162368.Page 176: Physics Professor Alain Kaloyeros with graduate students.

162369.Page 35 B-Bottom: Edward B. Horton, '86

162370.Page 110 B-Bottom: Christmas Formal dance, sponsored by the Inter-Sorority and Inter-Fraternity Councils