Risultati della ricerca

162291. Page 215 B-Right: William Weitz, '92, Student Association President and Student Trustee to the SUNY Board of Trustees

162292. Page 205: Spectators on Fountain Day. (photograph missing)

162293. Page 104 A-Top: Faculty member Ralph Tibbets, MA, '42 (education).

162295. Page 122 B-Bottom: Dr. Arthur Collins, '48 presents Robert Steinhauer, '62 with the Agnes Futterer Award.

162296. Page 118: Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller throws a shovelful of dirt on the Albany Country Club's 16th fairway to mark the ground-breaking of the new campus.

162297. Page 59 B-Top Right: Bertha Brimmer, '00

162298. Page 134: The two campuses were, and still are, connected by University-operated buses.

162299. Page 153 A-Left: Alice Hastings Murphy, MLS '40, speaking at the dedication of the libraries.

162300. Page 125 C-Bottom: The Main Fountain Area and Lecture Centers under construction.