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This series contains Paul A. Fino's constiuent files from his time in the United States House of Representatives. Fino's contiuents were mostly from the Bronx, New York, but some constiuents in Brooklyn wrote to Fino because they did not have a Republican representative. This series contains correspondence from constiuents realting to the Vietnam and Korean War. Soliders would often write to Fino and ask for help relating to hardship dischages, compassionate reassignments, medical discharges and transfers. While Fino did not have the athourity to grant these assignments, he often had the contacts to help speed the process of recieving a response from the Army, Military, and Navy. This series also includes records of constiuents who asked Fino to reccomend them for the United States Naval Academy, constiuents asking for Fino to help them find a job, veterans asking for help related to Social Security and benefits, as well as general questions about housing and government information. This series gives a glimpse of what was happening during times of War in the United States and how people responded to these war efforts. Many records contain medical information and social security numbers. These folders are restricted. Please contact an archivist for more information.