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This series documents ASLF's numerous projects to seek compliance with pollution discharge regulations and remediation of the environment. Projects include the research into and court proceedings of companies, individuals or government officials, and a few ASLF sponsored workshops. The materials in this series contain: correspondence, compliance reports, discharge monitoring reports (DMR), court documents, drawings, intent to sue, laboratory analysis, notes, news clippings, National Discharge Elimination Permit System (NPDES) permits, photographs, quarterly non-compliance reports (QNCR), remediation programs, citizen standing and workshops. The projects are divided into subseries based on geographic regions.


This series contains a number of files documenting the activities of the Office of Institutional Research. This includes university profiles, and prepared presentations and reports on a number of different topics including staff salaries, staff workload analyses, enrollment projections, degree awarding trends, five year plans, student outcome assessments and the Student Information Retrieval System (SIRS) implemented in the 1980s. This series also includes departmental correspondence interspersed throughout.