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Miller was an expert on institutional budgetary finance. He served on the faculty of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University (1947-1969), as deputy director of the New York State Division of the Budget (1971-1978), and director of the budget, (1978-1980).

This series contains records related to the Hudson Valley Area Joint Board. This series is divided into four sub-series. The first sub-series contains the subjetc files of the Joint Board. The second sub-series contains records relating to the Textile Workers Union of America (TWUA), also known as the Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles Workers Union (ACTWU). The third sub-series cotnains local chapter files and the fourth sub-series is contains records associated with the union councils of the AFL-CIO.


This series contains the records of the Hudson Valley District Council of Carpenters which was chartered on May 4, 1949 when the Ulster and Vicinity Council as well as some other Locals combined.New locals and independent locals continued to affiliate with the district council, and by the early 1950's the district council represented carpenters in Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Sullivan, and Ulster counties. The records include minutes of meetings of the district council, contracts, and bylaws. This series also contains printed matter and material related to jurisdictional disputes with other carpenters' district councils. Minutes, a few contracts, and some other material in this series have been photocopied, and the originals have been returned to the Council.

On November 14, 1946 the Carpenters' District Council of Ulster County and Vicinity was chartered. This council had local chapters in Kingston and Ellenville, New York. During the late 1940's local unions in the area began affiliating with the district council and eventually the district council, on May 4, 1949, was rechartered as the Hudson Valley District Council of Carpenters, the change of name more closely describing its jurisdiction. New local unions continued to be created, and independent local unions continued to affiliate with the district council. By the early 1950's the district council represented carpenters in Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Sullivan, and Ulster counties.
Hugo A. Bedau (Ph.D., Harvard, 1961) was a commentator, scholar, and activist for the abolition of capital punishment. He was a prominent spokesperson in the abolitionist movement and well-known for his scholarship and writing concerning the death penalty and the challenge to separate logical arguments from moral arguments.
The Illinois Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (ICADP) formed in 1976 as the Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty by Mary Alice Rankin and other activist groups and organizations to try to prevent passage of capital punishment legislation in Illinois. After the state adopted the death penalty in 1977, ICADP expanded its grassroots legislative, education, and communication activities to try to inform the public about flaws and injustices in the Illinois capital punishment system and promote humane alternatives to the death penalty.

Series 1 is comprised almost entirely of photographs taken by the University Photo Service, a separate student organization that has supplied much of the ASP 's photography over the years. However, some photographs may have been taken by ASP staff. Additionally, a small number of images originate from other sources, including the Associated Press, College Press Service, and Liberation News Service. A single illustration, noted in the container list below, is also included. While many of these images appeared in issues of the ASP , others may never have been published.

Faced with major cutbacks in support for the Humanities in the mid-1970s, the Institute for Humanistic Studies was created to stimulate research and critical thinking in the Humanities on the State University of New York at Albany campus.