Subject Files [RESTRICTED], 1971-May 1981, bulk 1975-May 1981

5.33 cubic ft.
Scope and content:

Primarily correspondence from UUP's President relating to various subjects and issues of concern to UUP members, and with SUNY management and SUNY's Chancellor. Included much less frequently are articles, third-party reports and publications, brochures, court and arbitrator decisions, financial statements, and other materials supplementing the topics being addressed in the correspondence. This subseries includes a substantial amount of information regarding the challenge to UUP's position as collective bargaining agent on the SUNY campuses by the NEA/NYEA in the mid-1970s, as well as on the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) which was also an active challenger to UUP during the NEA/NYEA challenge period. In addition, this subseries contains correspondence relating to the first few years that the agency fee law was in place.

Correspondence is often filed under the name of the individual to whom it was addressed, including various individuals working at SUNY Central Administration, at the Chancellor's office, and at the Governor's Office of Employee Relations. However, correspondence from these representatives, as well as those of NYSUT, are also found in the relevant subject files. In addition, materials related to NYSUT committees, projects, and personnel are filed under the general NYSUT headings or under project, individual, or committee names. Materials related to committees are often filed under the "Committees" heading as well as under the subject name itself (such as "Grievances"). The files in this subseries were initially identified during an earlier processing effort. During the course of processing the rest of the collection, additional files were found dealing solely with the Wakshull years and were incorporated into this subseries. They are identified by an * in front of the folder title.


Arranged alphabetically.


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Collection restrictions:
Access to certain portions of this collection are restricted. Consult the Curator of Manuscripts, Special Collections and Archives for further information.
Collection terms of access:
The researcher assumes full responsibility for conforming with the laws of copyright. Whenever possible, the M.E. Grenander Department of Special Collections and Archives will provide information about copyright owners and other restrictions, but the legal determination ultimately rests with the researcher. Requests for permission to publish material from this collection should be discussed with the Head of Special Collections and Archives.

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