Administrative, 1902-2020

5.34 cubic ft.
Scope and content:

This series contains the administrative records of the Delmar Progress Club, including meeting minutes, correspondence, financial documents, membership records, and committee reports. Meeting records comprise Bethlehem town board and school district meetings, Delmar Progress Club meetings, i.e. board of directors meetings, business meetings, executive board meetings, general meetings, past president's meetings, and special meetings, and General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) meetings, i.e. bi-county meetings, mid-Hudson district meetings, third district meetings, and tri-county meetings. In the first few decades of the Club's existence, meeting roll calls were included with the meeting minutes. More recent Club meeting minutes are interfiled with agendas, ballots, by-laws and standing rules, citations, Club calendars, Club communications, correspondence, event invitations, financial documents, GFWC materials, member guidelines, lists of officer candidates and conference delegates, memoranda, motions, newspaper clippings, notes, policy documents, presentations, reports, resolutions, speech transcripts, webpages, and yearbooks. Meeting minutes are typically arranged by the fiscal year (October to May) rather than by calendar year. Correspondence is divided into general correspondence, which includes intra-Club and extra-Club communications, membership correspondence, and the papers of the Club's corresponding secretaries. Financial records include accounts, audit reports, bank books, checks, Club budgets and proposed budgets, GFWC finances, profit and loss standards, reports of the Club's treasurer, summaries, tax documents, and town budgets and tax reports. The early financial documents of the Club include lists of members, officers, and resignations. Membership records include address changes, applications for membership, dues paid, lists of members, lists of new members, lists of resignations, notices of the deaths of members, and reminders to contact members. Reports include the annual reports of the recording secretary, the corresponding secretary's reports, committee and group reports, conference reports, event reports, membership reports, New York Legislative Forum reports, the Club president's reports, school district meeting reports, task force reports, town board meeting reports, town planning reports, and the Club vice president's reports. This series also includes the Club's certificate of registry with the Home Education Department of the University of the State of New York, the Club constitution, the incorporation documents of the Club (the original 1929 document is stored in a flat file), various iterations of the Club's by-laws, scripts for the installation ceremony for new Club officers, rules for conducting meetings, parliamentary procedure guidelines, New York Legislative Forum by-laws and program schedules for 1974 and 1976, the notes of Club president Muriel H. Welch, and the personal notebook of Club President Wilma DeLucco. Finally, the series includes index cards, which include the member's name, her address, the date she joined, her Club identification number, the names of her sponsors, and the date she left the Club, for former Club members who have died or resigned.

English .

Arranged chronologically.

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