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This series consists of unpublished documents that were created or collected by Moffat and his legislative staff. Press releases designed to publicize Moffat's stance on state taxation, state and local bond issues and the relationship between state and local finance predominate. Other documents in the series detail Moffat's support for slum clearance and public housing construction (December 1936-January 1937, January 1938, January-March 1939), construction of the New York State Thruway and New York City-area bridges and tunnels (February 1929, March 1939, August 1940, March 1942), codification and publication of local and state laws and administrative codes (April 1937, February 1938, February 1943, July 1943), and prohibition of child labor (March-April 1937, January 1938). Moffat's opposition to the creation of New Deal-style Social Security and minimum wage programs in New York State (January-March 1937) and efforts to curb welfare expenditures (February 1937, April 1937, March 1938, March 1939, March 1941) are also documented. Some of the press releases drafted between April and July 1938 concern proposed amendments placed before the New York State Constitutional Convention. This series also includes typescripts of a number of speeches that Moffat delivered before various political and civic groups and on radio stations across the state. Many of the speeches concern the relationship between state and local finance, but others concern state and national Republican campaigns (1932 [no month given], September 1940, February 1943) and government planning for the postwar period (November 1942). Several of the speeches have extensive handwritten additions and revisions.


This series consists of unpublished documents generated in connection with the 1936 gubernatorial campaign of William F. Bleakley, chairman of the New York State Republican Party and former New York State Supreme Court Justice. Included are charts detailing the statewide results of the elections of 1932 and 1936, draft texts of campaign fliers and press releases concerning the fiscal policies of Governor Herbert Lehman, and the text of a speech asserting that New York State residents paid a disproportionately large share of federal taxes.


This series consists of news stories and editorials that Moffat and his legislative staff compiled and kept for reference purposes. Almost all were published in New York State newspapers, but a handful were culled from papers published in Baltimore, Chicago, and other cities. Centering upon state fiscal and political issues, they help to shed light upon Moffat's role in state politics and upon public opinion about state taxation, spending, and social policy.


This series consists of two original drawings of published political cartoons. The first, Max Plaisted's "Rather a High Price for the Preliminary", was done in pen and ink and was probably drawn early in 1934. It concerns Assembly Republicans' internal disagreements about the appointment of W. Kingsland Macy as Assembly Clerk. The second, Rollin Kirby's "The Climb was Hard Enough Without This!" was done in pencil and colored pencil or pastel and is dated February 18, 1939. It addresses the impact of Governor Herbert Lehman's budget upon the state's taxpayers.