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The Annual Reports of the State University Construction Fund generally include a summary of significant accomplishments and projects, major awards won by the individual SUNY campuses for design and construction, highlights from individual campuses including illustrations, and financial statements. The financial statements are arranged by campus or project and include the contract holder, estimated cost, and cost paid annually. These tables are available for planning and design agreements, construction underway, and construction completed. This series also includes the Campus Plan (1966), an architectural article summarizing the State University construction endeavor, and Architectural Accessibility for the Disabled of College Campuses a publication of the State University Construction Fund.


The series is composed of capital construction and capital campaign reports published by the State University Construction Fund. These reports are generally tabular data of construction fund building project expenses in greater detail than that provided in the annual reports of the State University Construction Fund. The capital construction reports summarize the progress of construction projects on all SUNY campuses, while the capital campaign materials cover only the Albany campus.