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The Voice is the official publication of UUP distributed to all members of the bargaining unit. In addition, complimentary copies are distributed to top-level members of SUNY management, lawmakers, and news media organizations in the state. Published on an academic year basis (i.e., each volume runs roughly from August or September to May or June), The Voice regularly carries candidate statements, information on statewide and Delegate Assembly elections, the annual audit, attendance reports for affiliate conventions, and verbatim text of negotiations proposals made by both the State and UUP. Regularly featured topics include contract negotiations with the State of New York; Executive Board activities; chapter events and issues; the SUNY budget and legislative issues affecting SUNY and higher education; increases in membership; advertising campaigns; feature articles on particular campuses, and/or specific departments or individuals on campus; information on candidates UUP endorses for state and national offices; and messages from UUP's leadership, including columns by UUP's President and reports on the President's activities.


This series contains a wide variety of items pertaining to Senator Ronald Stafford. There are numerous folders on Senatorial voting records, the New York State Education System, and constituent grant applications. This series also contains materials related to the New York State Budget, as well as thank you letters Senator Stafford received during his time in office. Some of the material found in this series is housed in oversized boxes.


This series contains a large amount of photographs taken during Senator Ronald Stafford's time in office. Senator Stafford can be seen with school groups, organizations such as 4-H, and other legislators. Some files also contain the letter sent along with the photographs. This series contains photographs of identified groups or individuals as well as unidentified ones. Photographs of identifiable events were each given their own folders. Headshots of Senator Stafford and negatives of photographs are also included.


Black and white and color photographs of individuals, meetings (committees, Executive Board, Delegate Assemblies, workshops, and other gatherings), picketing, lobbying, and news conferences. Photographs are from statewide as well as campus-specific events, with the President, other officers, Executive Board members, and others actively involved in UUP frequently pictured (although often not identified). Therefore, while some photographs are specifically filed by individual, frequently statewide leaders and other persons active in UUP appear in photographs filed by event or committee. Photographs of specific activities were sometimes filed both under the name of the committee responsible for the activity (such as Negotiations Committee or Elections and Credentials Committee) as well as under the name of the event itself (such as Negotiations or Elections).