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This section contains the main body of Paetel's correspondence with fellow writers and former youth movement leaders, and includes letters to and from: Stefan Andres, Max Barth, Artur von Behr, Ludwig Blanck-Conrady, Hans Friedrich Blunck, Rudolf Daur, Jean-Pierre des Coudres, Joseph E. Drexel, Charlotte Ehrke, Manfred George, Heinz Gollong, Artur Grosse, Heinz Gruber, Walter Hammer, Pablo Hesslein, Hans Jaeger, Ernst Jnger, Erich von Kahler, Joseph Kaskell, Kurt Kersten, Werner Kindt, Werner Kleinow, Richard Lagrange, Werner Lass, Ernst Niekisch, Heinz Orth, Udo Rukser, Hermann W. Schmid, Albert Theile, Paul Tillich, Max Wehling, Johannes Welke, and Karl August Wittfogel.


The Administration subseries documents Norman Studer's day-to-day activities as the Director of the Downtown Community School. Included are Board of Trustee meeting minutes, a copy of the Downtown Community School by-laws, core curriculum notes, teacher's guides, admissions policy reports, correspondence to parents and staff members, and material related to interracial and intercultural education. In 1963, Studer invited a group of African American parents boycotting a segregated school in Engelwood, NJ to bring their 31 children to a Freedom School at the Downtown Community School so the children could continue their education durign the struggle.


Includes the general newsletter of SFT and occasional specialized newsletters, bulletins, and flyers. These extras include circa B. News and circa B. Views (1967-68), which announced the activities of the Collective Bargaining Committee. Strike bulletins (1975) are filed in the subject files.