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This sub-series consists of notes for lectures that Lowe delivered at various academic institutions and before various community groups. Some of these speeches were given before the New School's Study Group on Germany (1942-43) and its General Seminar, an interdisciplinary forum at which faculty members discussed their work.


Notes, 1964-1990 0.25 cubic ft.


This series contains Lowe's notes on various subjects. Some are simple reading notes or chronological outlines, but most of the notes comprise a detailed intellectual diary that Lowe maintained for more than twenty-five years. These notes, which document Lowe's efforts to refine his ideas about human freedom, state planning, and technological change and were apparently created in preparation for the writing of Has Freedom a Future?, also record his conversations with colleagues and difficulties in writing the book.


This series contains materials that Lowe created and maintained in connection with his teaching activities at the University of Kiel, the University of Frankfurt, Manchester University, and the New School for Social Research. Lecture notes generated while Lowe was at Manchester (among them a few lectures for the Worker's Educational Association) and the New School predominate. Also included are an outline for a political theory course he taught at the University of Kiel (1930), the syllabus (1951) for his "Theory of Capitalism" course at the New School, and reading notes he used in preparing various lectures.