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The Roll Books of the Delegates and Alternates to the National Republican Conventions act as quick reference guides for finding out who attended each convention. These booklets list the delegates and alternates along with their districts and addresses. They also give a list of the number of delegates sent by each state, a list of the Republican National Convention delegates since the founding of the Republican Party in 1856, a list of the contemporary Republican National Committee, a tally of the electoral vote by state, a list of locations for the National Convention and the candidate elected during that convention. They lend themselves to demographic studies focusing on the ratio of women delegates to male delegates that have served at the National Convention. An especially interesting study would be to compare the information found within the State rolls to the roles of the Republican National Convention.


The Roll Books of the Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the Republican State Committee of New York give the names of those who served on the Committee. A handy reference guide, these pocket-sized brochures list the NYRSC chairs, chairs of the executive committee, the secretary, treasurer, and chief clerk and the full New York Republican State Committee. The Roll Books of the Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the Republican State Convention list the delegates from each district in each county of New York that served as delegates and alternates to the Convention.