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The records of United University Professions (UUP) document the activities of the union and collective bargaining agent for the faculty and non-teaching professionals of the State University of New York. They begin in the 1960s with UUP's antecedents, the State University Professional Association (SUPA) and the Senate Professional Association (SPA), and continue through June 2000 for the materials produced by UUP's Communications Department, and through May 1993 for most other series.

Minutes of meetings of the non-teaching professional staff prior to the formation of the State University Professional Association (SUPA) in October 1969; minutes of meetings of SUPA's Executive Committee and Governing Board; and minutes of meetings of Senate Professional Association's (SPA) Executive Board and its Representative Council. Many of the minutes in this series document the debate over whether non-teaching professionals should affiliate themselves with SPA or remain autonomous to work for their distinct interests. Some of the SPA minutes are barely legible.


Correspondence at statewide and chapter levels; meeting minutes, both for statewide and Buffalo chapter; bargaining unit mailings; newsletters; and financial records maintained by Joseph Drew, UUP's first statewide treasurer, who was active both in the statewide SPA and the SPA chapter in Buffalo prior to UUP's creation.


Correspondence and third-party reports make up the bulk of this series, and some of the materials appear to have been reference files rather than related to matters in which SPA/UUP was directly involved. Other materials, such as correspondence and minutes from meetings of the SUNY Board of Trustees, information on the SUNY budget, or about the SUNY Faculty Senate document the environment in which SPA and UUP were created and in which they negotiated contracts. The same can be said for the materials included in the series relating to New York State United Teachers, which was an influential force in UUP's formative years.