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This series contains correspondence (circa 4500 items) with family members, correspondence dealing with the Kotschnig family's immigration and naturalization process, employment, correspondence with colleagues, universities and organizations concerning general educational issues and educational reconstruction in post-war Germany, as well as correspondence concerning Kotschnig's publications. Noteworthy among the correspondents in this series are: Werner Bohnstedt, William G. Carr (Educational Policies Commission), Edna V. Cowell (World Federation of Education Associations), Betty Drury and Stephen Duggan (Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars), Rudolf Heberle, Henry W. Holmes, I. L. Kandel and Paul Monroe (World Federation of Education Associations; co-editors with Kotschnig of World Education), Grayson Kefauver (Liason Committee for International Education), Edward R. Murrow, James W. Parkes, Charles E. Payne, Reinhold Schairer (U.S. Committee on Educational Reconstruction), James T. Shotwell (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Ann C. Stewart, Stuart M. Stoke, John W. Studebaker, Frances A. Thomas (Commission to Study the Organization of Peace), Robert Ulich, Seth Wakeman, Harold Weston (Food for Freedom, Inc.), Howard E. Wilson, and George F. Zook (American Council on Education).