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This series features biographical materials about William Kennedy. The majority of documents are news clippings about his work, book reviews and analysis, profile pieces, interview transcripts, articles featuring Kennedy's insights and comments on literature and the arts, and related correspondence. Of interest are newspaper clips and a program from Kennedy's first play Grand View which debuted at the Capital Repertory Theatre in Albany in 1996. There also is a VHS tape of William Kennedy's Albany which aired on PBS and a file discussing the celebration of the acquisition of this collection by the University at Albany. For articles written by Kennedy see Series 15: Essays and Articles or Series 17: Investigative Journalism.


In 1995 William Kennedy accompanied President Bill Clinton to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland as part of an American delegation, following a cease fire between the Irish Republican Army and the Loyalist Military Command in Northern Ireland in 1994. The delegation included elected officials, business, labor, religious, and community leaders and was designed to promote both peace and U.S. investment. This series documents that particular trip, including invitations, arrangements, news clips, maps, travel items, correspondence, and backgrounders. In addition, Kennedy and his wife attended a White House dinner in 1996 given by the Clintons in honor of the President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, and the first State visit by an Irish president in more than 30 years. The invitation and dinner menu and related correspondence also are included.