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This series contains a large amount of photographs taken during Senator Ronald Stafford's time in office. Senator Stafford can be seen with school groups, organizations such as 4-H, and other legislators. Some files also contain the letter sent along with the photographs. This series contains photographs of identified groups or individuals as well as unidentified ones. Photographs of identifiable events were each given their own folders. Headshots of Senator Stafford and negatives of photographs are also included.


Black and white and color photographs of individuals, meetings (committees, Executive Board, Delegate Assemblies, workshops, and other gatherings), picketing, lobbying, and news conferences. Photographs are from statewide as well as campus-specific events, with the President, other officers, Executive Board members, and others actively involved in UUP frequently pictured (although often not identified). Therefore, while some photographs are specifically filed by individual, frequently statewide leaders and other persons active in UUP appear in photographs filed by event or committee. Photographs of specific activities were sometimes filed both under the name of the committee responsible for the activity (such as Negotiations Committee or Elections and Credentials Committee) as well as under the name of the event itself (such as Negotiations or Elections).


Membership, 1939-2015 2.6 cubic ft.

The membership series contains materials produced by CSEA headquarters for its members. It contains resource manuals on a variety of subjects such as test preparation for the civil service exams, how to submit an amendment or proposal to the statewide constitution, and educational assistance. Materials about each of the five regions are included as well as materials pertaining to the internal departments at headquarters. In addition, there are a number of pamphlets aimed at members along with flyers about the benefits of being a member in the union.


On occasion UUP has created exhibits for its Delegate Assemblies. In addition to including mounted documents and three-dimensional artifacts, the displays have relied heavily on photographs. The mounted documents and photographs used in these exhibits make up this "Exhibits and Displays" series. The artifacts are included with the memorabilia in Series 9 of this Subgroup.


This series contains correspondence and court documents related to environmental legal action cases pursued by Atlantic States Legal Foundation affiliates and like-minded organizations. These include the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defence Council, Friends of the Earth and New Jersey Public Interest Research Group. Each file contains multiple cases.