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The bulk of the collection consists of Bendix' writings and the materials used by him for research purposes as well as for his courses in political and social sciences. This includes a large volume of materials on Max Weber, social stratification, power and authority, bureaucracy, industrialization and large-scale organizations. Bendix' files contain correspondence dealing with his career at the University of California, Berkeley and include materials pertaining to controversies at the university and within the Department of Sociology, as well as student issues and recommendations. Also present in the collection are a number of files dealing with individuals and issues connected with both the American Sociological Association and the International Sociological Association.
Staudinger was a Social Democratic Party member of the Reichstag until his removal by the Nazis in 1933; he was professor of economics at the University in Exile from 1934 and dean of the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research at various times between 1941 and 1960. The collection contains articles, books, diplomas, passports, photographs, scrapbooks, Festscrifen, and memorabilia of Hans Staudinger and members of his family. It also contains correspondence; handwritten and typed drafts of lecture notes, speeches, and addresses; teaching and research materials; and publications by Hans Staudinger and members of the New School for Social Research. The concentration of material is in the period of 1940 through 1960, with early biographical material dating from 1907 and some items dating through 1980.
Biographical material includes biographies; personal papers from teaching at the University of Kiel, 1926–31 and University of Manchester, 1933–40; papers from Lowe's 80th birthday (1973); Veblen–Commons Award, 1979; interview with Die Zeit, 1988; correspondence, 1928–91; writings by Lowe, including lectures, speeches, published and unpublished works. Lowe was one of the founders of the New School for Social Research comprised mostly of the German intellectual Émigrés to the USA prior to WWII.