Collections : [New York State Modern Political Archive]

New York State Modern Political Archive

New York State Modern Political Archive

Elected officials, interest groups, and activists from New York State.
The New York State Modern Political Archive (NYSMPA) was established in 1982 to document the work of individuals and private interest groups concerned with New York State public policy issues in the 20th century. Originally named the Archives of Public Affairs and Policy, the NYSMPA collects, preserves, and facilitates access to primary sources pertaining to New York State public affairs and policy, and now includes the personal papers of members of the gubernatorial administrations of Nelson A. Rockefeller; papers of former New York Congressional members and elected officials who served in New York State Legislature; and the official records and papers of numerous private groups, professional associations, individuals, public-sector labor unions, community groups, and other organizations concerned with Empire State public-policy issues.

Search Results


Albany County, 1942-2013 11.42 cubic ft.

This series contains files pertaining to planning decisions in Albany County, New York. There are a wide variety of documents covering county-level planning -- e.g., open space plans, county land use regulations, transportation plans for I-87/Northway, as well as plans involving the airport and the Pine Bush Preserve. There are also plans for specific municipalities within the county: villages, towns, and the City of Albany, itself. For the City of Albany, there are housing studies, community buying guides, economic development strategies, community improvement program reports, land use inventories, downtown development plans, to name a few of the most common document types.


The Arts in Education Series documents Ruth Pelham's concerts, residences, workshops, and programs at various youth-centric and educational institutions. Included are song lyrics she distributed and/or developed with students in various stages of the writing process, legal and financial documentation, correspondence between Pelham and institutional staff (usually school faculty), photographs of events, personal notes, reflections on events, post-performance evaluations, and thank you notes from participants (usually youths). This series is a more intimate look at the inner processes that kept the Music Mobile's wheels turning beyond grant funding and fundraising.

The Associated Industries of New York State/ Business Council of New York State Records contains documents which were created during the group's 66 years of business. Among the contents are files on the group's former directors, correspondence and legal council records. The records of the association also contain some publications from other sources.

This series contains Norman Studer's curriculum vitae, a partial autobiography, a brief biography, memorial tributes, family photographs, family records, and correspondence. The correspondence has been identified by correspondent's name only when the volume or significance warrants such separation; however, the bulk of the correspondence is arranged chronologically. Notable correspondents include Pete and Toshi Seeger and David Dunaway, Seeger's biographer as well as a former Camp Woodland camper.