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The Arnold Brecht Papers, 1865-1974, consist of 14.67 cu. ft. of materials and are primarily copies of original documents, letters and printed materials housed at the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, Germany ( Bundesarchiv, Potsdamer Strasse 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany or ).
This collection is made up of the papers of Arthur N. Applebee, Distinguished Professor of Education and founder of Center on English Learning And Achievement (CELA), covering his professional career in Albany.
Papers of eugenics researcher Arthur Estabrook focus on racial integrity, sterilization of the mentally defective, venereal disease, intelligence, and criminality. Limited material is availible on the Jukes of New York state, the "Tribe of Ishmael" of Indiana, and the Carrie Buck trial.

The Arts in Education Series documents Ruth Perham's concerts, residences, workshops, and programs at various youth-centric and educational institutions. Included are song lyrics she distributed and/or developed with students in various stages of the writing process, legal and financial documentation, correspondence between Pelham and institutional staff (usually school faculty), photographs of events, personal notes, reflections on events, post-performance evaluations, and thank you notes from participants (usually youths). This series is a more intimate look at the inner processes that kept the Music Mobile's wheels turning beyond grant funding and fundraising.