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Eunice Baird Whittlesey was born in Yorkville, New York. She married Joseph I. Whittlesey on August 30, 1947, and had one daughter, Anne Whittlesey Donlan. Mrs. Whittlesey graduated from the University at Albany (then known as the New York State College for Teachers) in 1944. Mrs. Whittlesey began her professional life as an English, Speech and Drama teacher in Connecticut and Massachusetts. She has also held several prominent positions in the New York State and national Republican parties.

This series consists chiefly of minutes of the meetings of the ESFWC executive board (1939-1944, 1946-1964, 1968, 1970-1971, 1973-1976, 1979, 1982-1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1989) and annual convention (1939-1944, 1946-1964, 1970-1971, 1973-1976, 1980, 1982, 1983-1990). Between 1939-1944 and 1946-1964, the minutes were recorded in bound ledgers. From 1968 onward, they consist of loose manuscript or typescript materials. Information concerning the financial affairs of the organization is scattered throughout. From 1968 onward, routine correspondence that was discussed at meetings is also included; these materials, which were generated by the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs and other organizations, were inserted into the minutes by ESFWC officers and have thus been kept in place. The minutes detail the ESFWC's position on a broad array of social issues, including lynching (1943, 1947), discrimination in the armed forces, defense industries, and federal housing programs (1942-43, 1946), and the punitive attitude of some local officials who disbursed Aid to Families with Dependent Children benefits (1961). The minutes also document the EFSWC's support for the civil rights struggle that took place in the South during the 1950's and 1960's and its apparent dislike of the black-power movement (1973). In addition, the minutes chronicle the organization's interest in the Equal Rights Amendment (1944; 1970's), the work of Planned Parenthood (1947, 1950), the issue of abortion (1970; see also ESFWC Annual Convention Materials, 1975), and its decision to allow white women to become members (1963). Other topics discussed include education (1964, 1973; see also ESFWC Annual Convention Materials, 1975), peace (1930's, 1962), and the work of the United Nations (1950's).


Contains meeting minutes, background information sent to Executive Committee members, reports by ACUSNY's Commission on Non-Tax Supported Colleges and Universities, reports by the State Board of Regents, the State Education Department and the University of the State of New York, ACUSNY statements to the Governor and the Legislature, and addresses to the Association's members by prominent figures in the field of education. The series also includes correspondence with the Governor's Office, the Board of Regents, the Commissioner of Education, the Chancellors of the CUNY and SUNY systems, and university and college presidents. This series illustrates ACUSNY's continuous involvement in such issues as admissions policies, student financial aid, state aid to educational institutions and state labor legislation. It also documents the Association's position on specific issues, for example Universal Military Training and college deferment, 1952; sponsorship in athletics, 1951; subversion in education, 1953; the use of state bonds for college and university construction, 1955; educational institutions inter-institutional cooperation, 1956-1973; library reference and research resources, 1963-1965; Bundy aid to private education, 1965-1978; the Constitutional Convention, 1967; visiting students program, 1969-1970; ACUSNY's involvement in federal legislation, 1968, 1973; tuition assistance, 1980; relations among the sectors, 1983; migration patterns of students, 1985; public information activities, 1988; the teaching profession, 1988; creation of new ACUSNY bylaws, 1991.

This collection consists primarily of the records of the Treasurer for the State College for Teachers. Also included are some financial records from earlier iterations of the College (New York State Normal School and New York State Normal College) and records of the Financial Secretary, which succeeded the position of Treasurer. Materials include cash books, budget documents, and correspondence.
Fino, Paul A.
Paul A. Fino was a United States Representative from Bronx, New York. Fino was a member of the New York State Senate from January 1945 to May 1950. He was then member of the New York City Civil Service Commission from June 1, 1950, to December 31, 1952. Fino was elected as a Republican to the 83rd and to the seven succeeding Congresses and served from January 3, 1953, until his resignation December 31, 1968, to become a New York Supreme Court Justice having been elected November 5, 1968. Fino assumed his duties as a justice on January 1, 1969. Fino passed away in 2009. This collections contains records related to Fino's time in office. These records include constituent files, legislative files, and records related to the national lottery that Fino tried to implement.