New York State Normal School

1844 May 7 - 1890 March 13

The State Normal School created by legislature to train teachers for the Common Schools of N. Y. S. It was the 4th state normal school in the country, the first in N. Y. S., and the first outside of Massachusetts. The school was financed by a $9,600.00 grant from the Literature Fund for the first year and $10,000.00 per year for the following five years. It was regarded as an experiment which could be canceled in the future. The State Normal School remained the only "State" normal school in N.Y. till 1866 when the N. Y. S. took over the municipal normal school at Oswego. The State Normal School was under the joint control of the Secretary of State and the Regents.


Source Details

William Marshall French & Florence Smith French, College of the Empire State: A Centennial History of the New York State College for Teachers at Albany [Albany, NY, 1944], pp. 38, 45, 72, hereafter cited as French. A photograph of the original legislation is in the Archives Photo File.