State Will Provide Up To $35 Million Over Five Years To Support University High Tech Initiatives

1997 December 1

New York Governor George Pataki announces that the State will provide up to $35 million over five years to support the University's high-tech initiatives. A joint University/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Focus Research Center located at CESTM will receive $5 million a year for five years, and a further $10 million in State funding will fund the physical expansion of CESTM. The new wing will house a pilot semiconductor manufacturing and workforce training facility with potentially 100 positions. UAlbany and RPI will collaborate in the Focus Center with Stanford and MIT.

Source Details

Joel Blumenthal, "Univerity High-Tech Initiatives Receive State Backing of $30-35 Million," University Update, December 3, 1997, p. 1
