New Integrated Undergraduate Physical Geography Laboratory Will Be Funded By $200,000 From The National Science Foundation

1998 October

Announcement that a new Integrated Undergraduate Physical Geography Laboratory (IUPGL) will be funded by $200,000 from the National Science Foundation. The grant is for the Department of Geography and Planning and Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences to construct three separate facilities: a physical geography laboratory to experiment in geochemical interactions between soil, atmosphere and vegetation, a computer classroom for instructing undergraduate students, and a climatology observatory, primarily for upper level classes on the top floor of Mohawk Tower. The Observatory will be completed in late 1998. The project will involve collaboration with Union College to use its scientific equipment to analyze soil, water, and air samples, and with the Department of Environmental Conservation to provide internships for students whose research results will be copyrighted.

Source Details

Susan M. Grudzinski, "New Geography Lab Boosts Undergraduate Experience," University Update, October 28, 1998, pp. 1-2
