Colin Izzard And John Schmidt Of Department Of Biological Sciences Receive National Science Foundation Grant Of $433,891

1998 December

Announcement that Colin Izzard and John Schmidt of the Department of Biological Sciences have received a National Science Foundation grant of $433,891 to purchase a confocal microscope, which will allow scientists to study thick biological specimens such as whole growing neurons. The microscope record observations on video cameras or store digital images on computer disks. The official opening of the Confocal Laser Scanning Facility was in the fall of 2000. While the facility is located in the Department of Biological Sciences, it will be available to other trained University scientists and their students, and to researchers from other Capital Region universities and colleges, the staff of the Wadsworth Research Laboratories, and local commercial companies.


Source Details

Greta Petry, "NSF Grant Lends Greater 'Scope' to Biological Research," University Update, December 2, 1998, pp. 1 & 2; "Official Opening Of Conforcal Laser Scanning Microscope Facility," University Update, September 21, 2000, p. 3
