Stanley Fink Internship Established


Stanley Fink Internship announced in March 1999 to honor the late Stanley Fink, Speaker of the Assembly, 1979-1986. The legislative internship will award $5,000 for a full semester of study. The Bell Atlantic Foundation granted $100,000 to establish the program. In December, the first Stanley Fink Intern was named. He is Jonathan Estreich, a junior history major from New Hyde Park, who will intern with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver during the Spring 2000 semester and receive a $5,000 stipend.


Source Details

Greta Petry, "Fink Scholarship Honors Memory of Caring Public Servant," University Update, March 10, 1999, p. 1; “Stanley Fink Internship Established,” Albany, Fall 1999, p. 25; Carol Olechowski, "Jonathan Estreich is Named the First Stanley Fink Intern," University Update, December 2, 1999, p. 5
