Governor George Pataki Announced Plans To Redevelop The Harriman Campus State Office Complex

2002 April 3

Governor George Pataki announced plans to redevelop the Harriman Campus State Office complex into a world class research and technology park with UAlbany playing a key role in the redevelopment. Pataki specifically cited the University's Center for Environmental Sciences and Technology Management and the Life Sciences Building under construction of examples of the "enormous steps to become a leader in research and development, not just in pure academic research but working with other companies through our Center for Excellence to develop high-tech jobs and research capabilities for the 21st Century." The time table is a 10 to 20 year build-out as New York State workers move to new locations, and buildings are remodeled or new facilities constructed. It is envisioned that high tech companies associated with the University would help fill the Harriman Campus.

Source Details

"UAlbany to Play a Key Role in Pataki's Redevelopment of Harriman Campus," UAlbany Update, April 11, 2002, pp. 1, 7
