The Elder Network Of The Capital District Established

2003 Fall

A grant of $328,189 from the John A. Hartford Foundation to the School of Social Welfare established The Elder Network of the Capital District (ENCR). ENCR will assist communities with aging populations to integrate medical care with support services in an effort to avoid hospitalization. School of Social Welfare Dean Katherine Briar-Lawson said the grant would "help create a regional infrastructure to help maintain the independence, dignity, and self-reliance of our older citizens." ENCR is an outgrowth of the Center for Excellence in Aging Services at UAlbany and the New York State Office for Aging, also funded by the Hartford Foundation. Vicky Rizzo, Ph.D., is executive director and Harry Rosenfeld is chair of the ENCR board.


Source Details

"School of Social Welfare Initiatives Bring Heightened Visibility," Update, November 7, 2003, p. 6
