Official Opening Of The $78 Million 194,000 Sq. Ft. Life Sciences Research Building

2004 October 13

Official opening of the $78 million 194,000 square foot Life Sciences Research Building. Also opening is the D'Ambra Auditorium. Thomas D'Ambra is leading the Life Sciences Research Initiative Campaign, and donated $1 million to kick off that campaign. The Silverman Foundation also donate $1 million to the campaign. Total investment in the building will be $100 million when a predicted $5 million in research grants and $20 million in private funds are raised by the University. The state is funding the $65 million in construction cost. The funding is to build and equip the building, and hire research staff to fill the labs.

Source Details

Greta Petry, "Life Sciences Research Building Opens," Update, November 5, 2004, p. 2
