Official Opening Of The College Of Computing And Information

2005 August 29

Official opening of the College of Computing and Information. The new college will combine the Department of Information Studies (formerly the School of Information Science and Policy), the Department of Computer Science, and program in Informatics. The Department of Information Studies will continue to offer the American Library Association accredited master's degree program in information science, while undergraduate and graduate programs will continue to be offered in computer science and library and information science. The college grew out of the 2004 Information Commons initiative. The first leader of the new college is Dean Peter A. Bloniarz. In addition to the academic departments in the new college, the college has interdisciplinary relationships with the School of Business, the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, the Center for Functional Genomics, the School of Education, and the Center for Technology in Government.

Source Details

Karl Lunta, "University Launches College of Computing and Information," Update, September 22, 2005, pp. 1 and 7
