President Hall Announces Start Of Inaugural Scholarship Fund/End To The Bold Vision Campaign

2005 Spring

President Hall announces end to the Bold Vision Campaign which had raised about $250 million in corporate equipment donations and contributions, and the creation of the Inaugural Scholarship Fund to serve as "the bridge between UAlbany's original campaign and a newly focused one." The Inaugural Scholarship Fund, previously announced on February 3, 2005, received an immediate infusion of $100,000 (funds that would have been spent on a formal inauguration) and a personal gift of $10,000 from Kermit and Phyllis Hall to the Inaugural Student Scholarship Fund. Hall called for fundraising to focus on academics. The first Inaugural Scholarships are awarded to undergraduates Zakhar (Zack) Berkovich, Jeffrey Castillo, Sheila Gaddy, and Jessica Gunsch.


Source Details

Greta Petry, "Inaugural Scholarship Fund Gathers Support," Update, March 4, 2005, p. 1; Carol Olechowski, "President Hall Plans to Refocus Fund-raising to Enhance Student Success," Update, April 8, 2005, p. 1; Carol Olechowski, "First Inaugural Scholars Named," Update, January 30, 2006, pp. 1 and 7
