University Established Gerald D. Jennings Class Of '76 Scholarship Fund For Deserving Students From The City Of Albany

2007 December 8

Announcement that the University of Albany has established The Gerald D. Jennings Class of '76 Scholarship Fund for deserving students from the City of Albany. The scholarship is endowed with $60,000. Jennings received a masters in public administration from the University in 1976. He was awarded the Medallion of the University, the University's highest honor, at the Winter Commencement on December 9, 2007 while serving his fourth term as mayor of Albany. During his tenure, Jennings worked constantly with the University to establish such joint programs as Operation Safe Corridor, the UAlbany's downtown Student Housing and Revitalization Project at Alumni Quad, and the UAlbany Clean-up Day for downtown neighborhoods. He was actively involved in bringing the Giants summer training camp to the University in 1996.


Source Details

News release, "UAlbany Establishes Endowed Scholarship for City of Albany Hight School Students," December 11, 2007, UAlbany News Archive, Office of Communications and Marketing
