Association Of Graduates Of The New York State Normal School/Alumni Association Formed

1849 September 26

The Association of Graduates of the New York State Normal School was formed by William Phelps, SNS ’45, supervisor of the Practice School, 1845-1852, Silas Bowen, SNS '45, Teacher of Intellectual Philosophy, 1845-53, and William W. Clark, ‘45, Teacher of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, 1845-51. The Association is the direct predecessor of current Alumni Association. The Association, led by Corresponding Secretary William Phelps ‘45, maintained a record of the address and profession of graduates. Phelps set up an educational placement bureau for the Normal School through the Association of Graduates. The Association’s members were also seen as a ginger group to give political support the Executive Committee’s plans for the Normal School. The Association met biennially. With Phelps’ departure in 1852 the Association lost its driving force and appeared to be primarily a mechanism for organizing reunions. Reunions were held in 1851, 1853, 1857, 1859. Reunions were canceled during the Civil War and not very successfully renewed in the late sixties. They were held in 1867, 1868, 1870, and 1872.


Source Details

For the founding of the Association of Graduates see the Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the State Normal School to the Assembly, Jan. 3, 185[1], pp. 8-9, 22-25. For a list of reunion dates, interest, and attendance see French, p. 108-109. For the first Constitution of the Association of Graduates see Appendix C, Annual Report of the Executive Committee, January 3, 185[1].