New Building Planned For Willett Street


New building planned for Willett Street across from Washington Park at a cost of $125,000. The architect was Frank J. Wright of the firm of Ogden & Wright. For floor plans see The Thirty-Second Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Albany, Department of Public Instruction, January 1, 1886, p. 196. Alumni Association embarks on $5,000 fund raising campaign to pay for Alumni Memorial Window in Willett Street Building (at the time the largest stained glass window in the country). First major alumni fund-raising campaign. Window design executed by Ezra Prentice Treadwell, Esq. of Boston, but construction of the window may have been completed by Tiffany.

Source Details

(Ibid., 199-200; for information about Tiffany & Co see the Executive Committee Minutes for July 5, 1890, Executive Committee Minutes [transcription], vol.2, p. 557)