Willett Street Building Occupied
1885 September 9
Willett St. Building occupied and opened for classes. The building was constructed at a cost of $199,647.00. The architect was Frank P. Wright of the Albany firm of Ogden & Wright in a style described by the Executive Committee as "modern renaissance". It was located at 82-96 Willett Street. The Willett Street Building was designed to accommodate 400 normal school students and 200 model school students. (French, p. 113; for a detailed description of the building see the Thirty-First Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the State Normal School to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Regents of the University for the year ending August 20, 1884, pp. 167-70 contained in the Thirty-First Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of New York, No. 8 in Assembly, January 6,1885; for the location of the building see City of Albany, Sanborn Insurance Map #60, 1892; for floor plans of the building see the Forty-Second Annual Report of the Executive Committee of the State Normal School to the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Regents of the University for the Year ending August 20, 1885, pp. 196-7, contained in the Thirty-Second Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, State of New York, No. 17 in Assembly, January 5,1886. Photocopies of the Sanborn Map and the floor plans are in the University Achives Vertical File, folder Buildings, Willett Street.)