General Education Honors Program Initiated

1988 September

General Education Honors Program initiated. Program initially open to Presidential & Frederick Douglas Scholars and sophomores with 3.25 average. All current freshmen with a 3.5 average are also eligible for admission to the General Education Honors Program. In Spring 1991 all freshman can enter honors tutorial but must maintain 3.25 average. A special part of the Honors Program is the Honors Tutorial Program which allows the university's brightest undergraduates to work in small groups (limited to 20 students) with a faculty member.

Source Details

Mary Fiess, “A Most Honorable Climate,” Update, April 1, 1987, p. 1; Mary Fiess, “Tutoring the Talented”, Update, April 6, 1988, p. 2-3 & “Honors Tutorials,” Update, March 13, 1991, p. 2-3; "From Honors Programs to Faculty Mentoring," Update: Special Report Vol. 12, no. 25, p. [2]
