Ph.D. Programs In English, French Studies, And History Are Re Certified, And Ph.D. In Philosophy Is Certified

1992 November

Ph.D. programs in English, French Studies, and History are re-certified, and Ph.D. in Philosophy is certified. The program in English will focus on "Writing, Teaching and Criticism" and the creation of knowledge. The program in History has two concentrations: "the 'state' concentration, encompassing the subfields of international history and public policy, and the 'society' concentration, encompassing sub-fields of work, gender and culture. The program in French Studies will be "interdisciplinary in nature, and offer students the opportunity to study the various cultures of the francophone world.

Source Details

President’s Report 1993, p. 6; Final Budget Request, 1993-94, Final Narrative, p. 10; "Three Ph.D. Programs Return," Update, November 4, 2002, pp. [1-2]
