"Ask Geoff" Column Debuts in UAlbany Magazine
November 03, 2006
The Fall 2006 issue of UAlbany Magazine includes the new column "Ask Geoff" from University Archivist Geoffrey Williams. In the first column "Ask Geoff" answers questions about the number of names the University at Albany has had over its history, what a normal school is, and whether the downtown campus was the school's first location.
Update: The latest issue of UAlbany Magazine is now online.
Geoff Williams is a graduate of Colby College and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and joined the faculty of the University at Albany as University Archivist in 1987. Additional information about the University Archives is available online and by asking Geoff!
Geoff will be responding to questions alumni, students, and friends pose about the University at Albany. To submit a question for "Ask Geoff," e-mail gwilliams@uamail.albany.edu.