Search Results

4661. Steinberg, Marian N., "Alternative Strategies for managing Long Island’s Hard Clam Resource"

4662. Spencer, Sue, "The Alcoholic Lifecycles Model"

4663. Saeed, Khalid, "Rural Poverty and Development Policy in Pakistan: The Case of a Resilient Income Distribution System"

4664. Rohrbaugh, John, "Evaluating Objective Function Trajectories: What is in the Eyes of the Beholder"

4665. Roberts, Nancy, "An Evaluation of Introduction to Computer Simulation: The System Dynamics Approach"

4666. Richmond, Barry, "Endogenous Generation of Structural Change in System Dynamics Models: An Illustration from a Corporate Context"

4667. Richardson, George P., "Managing R"D in a High-Growth Company: The Significance of Coordinating People and Products"

4668. Reid, George W., "An Approach for System Dynamics Awareness"

4669. Randers, Jørgen, "Waves and Oil Tankers: Dynamics of the Market for Oil Tankers to the Year 2000"

4670. Rahn, R. Joel, "Aggregation in System Dynamics"