Rahn, R. Joel, "Aggregation in System Dynamics", 1981


Stochastic aspects of systems have generally been ignored in most system dynamics studies except for purposes of sensitivity testing. Yet any model that claims to be more than simply an empirical description of a system must treat the underlying stochasticity explicitly in terms of its contribution to the dynamics. Recent work in chemical, biological, and hydrodynamic systems has shown that the aggregation of stochastic effects can lead to novel behavior (self-organization in dissipative systems). In this paper, an analogy between models of these physical and system dynamics models is developed, in which system dynamics models are seen to be an approximation (to lowest order in an expansion in system size) to a stochastic model for the system. The implications of theoretical results derived for the physical system models are evaluated for their application to the system dynamics models. A research strategy to elaborate this to analyzing systems is proposed.

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  • 1981
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