Search Results

5011. de Brito, Irineu with Celso Hino, Paulo Goncalves, Luiz Andrade, Charliston Moreira, Gustavo Costa, Luis Nardin, Hugo Yoshida Yoshizaki and David Jose de Magalhaes, "Reducing CO2 Emissions due to a shift from Road to Cabotage Transport of Cargo in Brazil"

5012. Dangerman, Jérôme with Andreas Groessler, "No way out? – Analysing Policy Options to Alleviate or Derail Success-to-theSuccessful in the Energy System"

5013. Dangerfield, Brian with Norhaslinda Zainal Abidin, "The Role of Behaviour Change in Eating and Physical Activity in the Battle against Childhood Obesity"

5014. Cumenal, Didier with Philippe Boigey, "How can Organizational Capacity help to clarify Project Performance? A system dynamics model"

5015. Contestabile, Marcello, "A SD-based Analysis of the Market for Hydrogen Fuel Cell Urban Buses"

5016. Colfer, Carol with Richard Dudley, "Strengthening Links Between Anthropologists and System Dynamicists: Participatory Group Modeling & Natural Resources"

5017. Cody, John with Robert Cavana and David Pearson, "Maintaining Disparity: Thresholds of Defection"

5018. Chalise, Nishesh with Gautam Yadama and Foundation for Ecological Security, "System Dynamics Modeling of Livelihoods and Forest Commons in Dryland Communities of Andhra Pradesh, India"

5019. Chaim, Ricardo, "Modeling asset and liability dynamics for pension funds defined benefit plans"

5020. Ceresia, Francesco with Giovan Battista Montemaggiore, "A System Dynamics Model for the Clinical Risk Management: a preliminary analysis"