Swart, John with Peter Goodman and John W. Hearne, "A Conservation Model for Black Rhino", 1990


Over the past thirty years the black rhinoceros (Diceris bicornis) population in Africa has declined from about 30,000 to less than 3,000. In contrast the South African population has increased four-fold to 600 over the same period. The recently developed national conservation strategy for black rhino has as it main goal the increase of the current population to at least 2,000 in as short a period as possible. To achieve this, the growth rate of the population as a whole will have to be maximized. This involves removing animals from areas where the population is approaching the ecological carrying capacity and establishing new viable populations in other suitable reserves.A model, incorporating what is known about the population biology of black rhino, was developed to give guidance to managers on the most appropriate harvesting strategy to adopt for their populations; in particular, to determine the rate of removals and the age and sex of individuals to be removed to attain a 2,000 strong Southern African population as soon as possible.

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