Documentation for the execution of Lindsey Brown, John Thornton, Howard Booker, Homer Bunckley, James Glennan..., 1949-12-16


Lindsey Brown executed on 1949-12-16 in Georgia (GA) John Thornton executed on 1952-07-11 in Georgia (GA) Howard Booker executed on 1954-09-17 in Georgia (GA) Homer Bunckley executed on 1960-01-15 in Georgia (GA) James Glennan executed on 1866-04-26 in New Jersey (NJ) John Ware executed on 1871-12-15 in New Jersey (NJ) Louis Labee executed on 1889-06-27 in New Jersey (NJ) George Smalls executed on 1906-03-24 in New Jersey (NJ) Peter Doro executed on 1927-01-11 in New Jersey (NJ) Christopher Barone executed on 1927-11-18 in New Jersey (NJ) Arthur Cort executed on 1930-12-29 in New Jersey (NJ) Arthur Johnson executed on 1954-02-19 in New Mexico (NM) Kanagawa executed on 1910-02-03 in Hawaii (HI) Miguel Manigbas executed on 1913-07-08 in Hawaii (HI) Ernest Walrath executed on 1951-04-13 in Idaho (ID) Harland Simons executed on 1925-11-16 in Iowa (IA) Ernest Ranson executed on 1957-04-03 in Kansas (KS) Frances (owner name: Berry) executed on 1860-09-07 in Kentucky (KY) Richard Shuck executed on 1877-07-27 in Kentucky (KY) Royal Green executed on 1905-02-17 in Kentucky (KY) Henry Phillips executed on 1940-07-26 in Kentucky (KY) Lawrence Lightfoot executed on 1949-06-24 in Kentucky (KY) Indian Unknown Winebago executed on 1821-08 in Illinois (IL) Noy Nathaniel Van executed on 1826-11-26 in Illinois (IL) Thomas Chapman executed on 1885-01-23 in Illinois (IL) Edward Wheat executed on 1918-02-15 in Illinois (IL) William Mills executed on 1920-04-16 in Illinois (IL) Hess Conner executed on 1925-01-16 in Illinois (IL) Ricardo Torrez executed on 1927-07-15 in Illinois (IL) Edward Belton executed on 1882-01-27 in Louisiana (LA)

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Date created
  • 1949-12-16
Rights statement


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M. Watt Espy Papers

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