Qu, Weishhuang with Gerald O. Barney and Jos Verbeek, "RMSM-X in Vensim: Refining the Financial Sector of the Threshold 21 National Development Model", 1996


The Revised Minimum Standard Model (RMSM) of the World Bank is a model which focuses on the financial flows of the economy, and its best use is found in countries which require necessary adjustment towards balancing its national accounts. It is used frequently in repairing countries Country Assistance Strategies (CAS) which are approved by the Bank's Board of Executive Directors as the basis for Bank strategy for each individual country. RMSM was first constructed in the early 70's to provide a framework for assessing financial needs and domestic growth opportunities. Its extended version, RMSM-X, is used extensively by the World Bank Country Operations departments for making macroeconomic projections and analyzing macroeconomic policies for all developing countries.

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