Braden, Charles H., "Exemplary System Dynamics—Input-Output Analysis Model", 1983


An exemplary model has been formulated using a methodology which casts a modified version of input-output analysis into system dynamics format. The intent is to utilize the methodology for further study of the concept of a geeignet (appropriate) population for a society. The exemplary model represents a highly aggregated socio-economic system with six sectors. Evaluation of the quality of the society is an important issue in the geeignet population study, and to that end the technique of multi-attribute utility measurement (MAUM) has been included in the model. In order to study a mechanism that can minimize the marginal production cost during the time evolution of the system, a Cobb-Douglas production function that permits substitution between two factors has been incorporated into the agricultural sector. Model runs are shown which demonstrate the approach to equilibrium for the society and the time evolution of the society as the agricultural sector changes from a labor intensive to a capital intensive configuration.

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Date created
  • 1983
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