Wang, Yanjia, "A System Dynamics Model of Socio-Economic Development of Harbin in China", 1990


A system dynamics model of socio-economic development of Harbin in China has been Presented in the framework of the integrated economy-energy-environment system planning.The model simulates the activity mechanism of national economy of Harbin by taking the fixed capital of each industrial sectors as a major variable and controls the system behavior by taking the gap of energy supply and the gap of energy investment as feedback signals. Therefore the pre-established development targets of national economy can be reached by readjusting the investment allocation and production structure towards elimination of the energy and investment gaps.Through a series of policy stimulation, several socio-economic development planning scenarios of Harbin for year 2000 have been Compared with each other by examining some key issues, such as growth rate, investment ratio, investment allocation tenancy and production structure readjustment ad well as the improvement of scientific, technical and managemental level, etc. the resulted policy suggestions were proposed with much attention being paid by decision maker authority.This model can run on the personal computer under the support of the Professional DYNAMO Plus software, and try to connect SD model to other technical model, such as energy forecasting model, multi-object optimum energy supple model, etc. An idea which is about SD co-operated with other methods has been presented and that is the direction of the system dynamics method development.

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Date created
  • 1990
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