Polowczyk, Jan, "Microstructure and Macrobehavior of Centralized and Decentralized Systems", 1990


The paper presents some results of research regarding the relationship between the centralization degree and the efficiency of economic systems. A simple system dynamics model has been used in these studies. The model has applied certain J.Kornai’s ideas concerning economic systems. Simulation experiments have confirmed the viewpoint that overall economic behavior arises from within feedback loops creating microstructure of each system. Two basic kinds of microstructure have been distinguished: centralized and decentralized. Macro behavior generated by them is close to these observed in planned and market economies. The paper is divided into four parts. In the first one, basic Kornai’s ideas are outlined. In the second part, model is presented, whereas in the third one, some results of simulation are analyzed. Conclusions drawn from the experiments are presented in the fourth part.

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Date created
  • 1990
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