Glass-Husain, William, "Lessons for System Dynamics Mentors in Schools", 1994


This successful, large-scale introduction of system dynamics into education requires many supporting elements. One important element is an institutional structure that supports school change. A major part of such a structure needs to be the availability of expert system dynamics mentors to provide on-going training and support for teachers. This support occurs on three tracks. One track is relatively formal workshops and meetings spent cooperatively developing projects. Another track is classroom observation and documentation. The third track consists of encounters by the coffee machine, and consists of informal, brief conversations where the mentor and teachers can brainstorm ideas or confer on a current project. These methods of on-going support are preferable to the more conventional format of short-term intense workshops, which research shows has little long-term effectiveness. In this paper, the author discusses his experience a part of the System Dynamics Project in the Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD), located in Tucson, Arizona. Specifically, the author has been a system dynamics mentor at Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD), since the fall of 1992. As a mentor, the author works with administrators facilitating the use of system dynamics as a method of instruction.

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  • 1994
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