Davies, D. R. with R. E. H. M. Smits, R. Tweehuysen and W. Wiis, "Staffgroup Strategic Surveys TNO: Mobility of Researchers in the Netherlands", 1981


At the beginning of the seventies, grave concern existed over low mobility of researchers due to the stagnation in growth in the research capacity available. Through a strong expansion in research capacity prior to this condition of stagnation, the age of researchers was relatively low. It was feared that the small natural turnover (as a result of a low average age) together with the low mobility would lead to a collective aging of the research corps itself. This aging factor was considered to be a threat to research as a whole since it could lead to mental fixation and loss of creativity. In addition to this, the expectations for making a career and the employment possibilities open to the then recently graduated university students had strongly decreased. This situation resulted in a loss of talent for research groups, and it was feared that there would be a decline in the motivation and development possibilities for researchers. The developments briefly described here formed no phenomena exclusive to the Netherlands but also made their appearances in substantially all of the western countries.

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  • 1981
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